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Showing posts from December, 2006

Micro-lending for Agile Entrepreneurs

These are indeed exciting times for the bootstrapping entrepreneur! If you haven't already, please join our self-help networking group, Agile Entrepreneurs where entrepreneurs help each other with a variety of issues in a format borrowed from the Toastmasters club. And if you're in a tight spot for money, you should join our group on , an excellent people-to-people lending web-site that I wish had found six months ago. In fact, I wish I had founded this group a year ago! I had certainly been talking about the concept- my friend Pravin can attest to that fact. Regardless, I've dived in and created a closed group in Prosper , called Agile Entrepreneurs . I intend to invite other entrepreneurs to join the group and use it to raise small loans until they are able to generate cash flow or get funding. And if you're looking to make money while helping out your fellow entrepreneurs, you should support Agile Entrepreneurs on Prosper. You make money on the intere